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Der Langrisser

Der Langrisser
English Translation


Game Description:

Der Langrisser is the SNES version of Langrisser 2 for Sega Genesis. The player at the start gets to choose a set of answers per questions. Up to 18 questions are total but depending on your answers different questions will be asked. These questions decide what class your character will be at the start of the game, items, and stats. However, these may affect later choices by the character in the game.
At the start, the player goes through 7 battles. Then, choices are made of what path the player wishes to follow. The Light Path, that is very straight through minus a choice of characters and the Imperial path. The Imperial path also can split into 2 further paths, the Dark path or the Independent Path. So, people can see, there is extremely strong replay value within the game. Yet, there are choices characters can make as well.
Characters have different paths that can take after hitting level 10. They are able to split down different paths to become more like fighters, horsemen, priests, casters, and other medieval classes an individual can think about within the game. The further the players level and change class, the stronger spells, stats, and troops they can use. Allowing for players to make characters to how they wish their characters to be.

Translation Description:

The patch is in BPS format. A patcher "beat" can currently be found here.
Der Langrisser, the translation that took 6 years to finish, is one of the most grand translations to hit the translation community in years. After two failed attempts to translate this game, it was challenged, faced, and finished by Byuu and D-Boy.

After 6 years, the team around byuu and D finally released their long awaited "Der Langrisser" translation. It features extensive ASM modifications (over 85kb of new code!) and several custom fonts which were specifically designed to look best on a real TV. Every menu window in the game has been custom tuned as well.
This translation was one of my long awaited. There's so much I wish I could say, yet I don't wish to destroy the fun of the game for people. If there is one game for the SNES that never made it to US shores that people have to play, this is it.

The effort that went into this translation really shows - so go ahead and play this.


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