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Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo

Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo
English Translation

Game Description:

The third game in the Fire Emblem series, it is divided into two sections known as "books":

Book 1, which is a cut down port of the first Fire Emblem game. Although the plot of the game is basically the same, several chapters and characters were removed due to space limitations.

Book 2 is the sequel to Book 1 and by extension the first Fire Emblem. It follows Marth as he deals with some of the ramifications of Book 1, and battles new threats as they come up across the land.

The game is known for including features such as dismount, where units on horses had to get off of them for indoor chapters, and being the first Fire Emblem game to show movement ranges when a unit is selected.

Translation Description:

An updated version of the RPGuy translation that updates names to their official European names as of the official Shadow Dragon release.

For characters whose only official names are from the Fire Emblem Heroes poll, the names from the remake's translation are given instead. A VWF has been added and the entire script has been updated to take advantage of it.
Many other issues with the RPGuy translation have also been fixed, such as missing text being inserted and a freeze during the best ending being repaired.

Patches for both 1.0 and 1.1 included. Header is required.


RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image
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