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TexFx - Effect Shaders (1.043)

TexFx - Effect Shaders (1.043)
A Mod for Genshin Impact.



Generic Effect Shaders!

TexFx - Transparency Shaders and More!

This mod has been in development for a few months now, as I've fought with all kinds of issues to see it come to life. I really hope that everyone will enjoy it as much as I do.

I have included some examples and a brief description, hopefully y'all will be able to get started with it quickly. I made this mod so that it would be fast and easy to use. Anyone familiar with texturing and other utility mods like the trackers and fixes should be able to use this mod.

Install Guide

Extract the contents of TexFx.zip (TexFx-Main) into your GIMI Mods folder. That's it! (when updating, replace files).
Please do not try and place this in ShaderFixes, it will not work. Remember, this is a dependency, and doesn't do much without mods that enable it, like my example mods.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me here in the comments or on the AGMG discord server.
If you have any contributions or issues, feel free to post to the github.

Quick Guide (For Modders)

Here is the quick guide (Updated Instructions since first post):

Check the README.md for even more details (also the from page of the GitHub.)
; Better transparency and other Texture controlled effects
; Example:
hash = 1234abcd
match_first_index = 0
ib = ResourceIB
ps-t0 = ResourceHeadDiffuse
ps-t1 = ResourceHeadLightMap
ps-t69 = ResourceTransparencyMap
run = CommandList\TexFx\T
; \T.0
; \T.1

The texture must be Red and Black to indicate where the transparency will be, more red is more transparent. Check the examples for a better look. (Notice the included image on the post). If you want to make mods using this tool, please do not redistribute this mod, you can include the BufferValues folder in your mod to notify new users where to get this mod.

Green Channel controls Emissivness, More Green is MORE GLOW, you can mix and match green and red. Blue Channel controls the Bloom effect around the glow, more blue is more BLOOM, scales with green channel. The Alpha Channel will be reserved for potential use in the future.

There are variables which can multiply these effects to create breathing glows.

GitHub and Updates

My GitHub will have any changes or updates before anywhere else.

The Future

Look forward to more effects besides just transparency and glowing in the future. Including animated effects, and more! If you want to help me get these done faster, consider buying me a coffee so I can slave away a few more months on this haha.
First release
Last update
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